1. Scope of application

2. Con­tract­ing parties

3. Con­clu­sion of contract

4. Right of withdrawal

5. Prices and ship­ping costs

6. Deliv­ery

7. Pay­ment

8. War­ranty for mater­i­al defects

9. Dis­pute resolution

Gen­er­al Terms & Conditions

1. Scope of application

These gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions (GTC) apply to all deliv­er­ies from KrimiKiosk Ver­lag Petra Weber, Falken­burgstr. 18, 50939 Cologne, Ger­many, to consumers.

A con­sumer is any nat­ur­al per­son who con­cludes a leg­al trans­ac­tion for a pur­pose that can pre­dom­in­antly not be attrib­uted to their com­mer­cial or inde­pend­ent pro­fes­sion­al activity.

2. Con­tract­ing parties

The pur­chase con­tract is con­cluded with KrimiKiosk Ver­lag Petra Weber, Falken­burgstr. 18, 50939 Cologne, Ger­many, UST-ID: DE 236722685.

3. Con­clu­sion of contract

3.1. The present­a­tion of the products in the online shop does not con­sti­tute a leg­ally bind­ing offer but merely an invit­a­tion to order.

3.2. By click­ing on the but­ton [Buy], you place a bind­ing order for the good or down­load lis­ted on the order page. Your pur­chase con­tract is con­cluded when we accept your order and send an order con­firm­a­tion by email imme­di­ately after receiv­ing it.

4. Right of withdrawal

4.1. If you are a con­sumer (i.e. a nat­ur­al per­son who places the order for a pur­pose that can­not be attrib­uted to your com­mer­cial or inde­pend­ent pro­fes­sion­al activ­ity), you have a right of with­draw­al in accord­ance with the stat­utory provisions.

4.2. If you, as a con­sumer, make use of your right of with­draw­al in accord­ance with sec­tion 4.1, you must bear the reg­u­lar costs of return­ing the goods.


In all oth­er respects, the pro­vi­sions set out in detail in the following

Revoc­a­tion policy

You have the right to with­draw from this con­tract with­in four­teen days without giv­ing any reason.

The revoc­a­tion peri­od is four­teen days from the day you or a third party oth­er than the car­ri­er des­ig­nated by you takes pos­ses­sion of the goods.

To exer­cise your right of with­draw­al, you must inform us, KrimiKiosk Ver­lag Petra Weber, Falken­burgstr. 18, 50935 Cologne, Ger­many, +49 221 437820,, of your decision to can­cel this con­tract using a clear state­ment (e.g. a let­ter sent by post or an email). You can use the attached mod­el revoc­a­tion form, which is not man­dat­ory. You can also elec­tron­ic­ally fill out and sub­mit the mod­el can­cel­la­tion form or anoth­er clear state­ment on our web­site (insert inter­net address). If you use this option, we will imme­di­ately send you a con­firm­a­tion of receipt of such a can­cel­la­tion (e.g. by email).

To meet the revoc­a­tion peri­od, it is suf­fi­cient that you noti­fy the exer­cise of the right of can­cel­la­tion before the can­cel­la­tion peri­od has expired.

Once you down­load digit­al con­tent (e‑book) and can access it, you no longer have the right to with­draw from the con­tract. This means that as soon as the down­load pro­cess begins, the right to with­draw expires.

Con­sequences of revocation

If you with­draw this con­tract, we will refund all pay­ments that we have received from you, includ­ing deliv­ery costs (except addi­tion­al costs res­ult­ing from your choos­ing a dif­fer­ent type of deliv­ery than the cheapest stand­ard deliv­ery offered by us), promptly and at the latest with­in four­teen days from the day on which we received noti­fic­a­tion of your can­cel­la­tion of this con­tract. For this refund, we will use the same means of pay­ment that you used for the ori­gin­al trans­ac­tion unless some­thing else was expressly agreed upon with you; under no cir­cum­stances will you be charged any fees for this refund. We may refuse to refund until we have received the goods back or until you have provided proof that you have returned the goods, whichever is earlier.

You must return or hand over the goods to us promptly and, in any event, no later than four­teen days from the date on which you noti­fy us that you have can­celled this con­tract. This dead­line is met if you send the goods before the expiry of the four­teen-day period.

You will be respons­ible for cov­er­ing the costs of return­ing the goods. You only have to pay for any loss of value if this loss of value is due to hand­ling the goods, which is not neces­sary to check their qual­ity, prop­er­ties, and functioning.

- End of the revoc­a­tion policy –

4.4. KrimiKiosk Ver­lag Petra Weber provides inform­a­tion about the mod­el revoc­a­tion form with the stat­utory reg­u­la­tions as follows:

Mod­el revoc­a­tion form

(If you want to with­draw the con­tract, please fill out this form and send it back.)

- To :

KrimiKiosk Ver­lag Petra Weber, Falken­burgstr. 18, 50935 Cologne, Ger­many, +49 221 437820,

-I/​we (*) hereby with­draw the con­tract con­cluded by me/​us (*) for the pur­chase of the following

-Ordered on /​received on (*)

-Name of the consumer

-Address of the consumer

-Sig­na­ture of the con­sumer (only if noti­fic­a­tion is made on paper)

-Date _​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​

(*) Delete as appropriate

5. Prices and ship­ping costs

5.1. The prices stated on the product pages include stat­utory VAT and oth­er price components.

5.2. In addi­tion to the prices stated, we charge a flat rate of 6,75 Euros per order for deliv­ery with­in Ger­many. The ship­ping costs are clearly com­mu­nic­ated to you on the product pages, in the shop­ping cart sys­tem and on the order page.

5.3. If you place an order from out­side Ger­many, please note that cus­toms duties may be applic­able to your coun­try, and you will be respons­ible for cov­er­ing these costs.

6. Deliv­ery

6.1. Deliv­ery is with­in Ger­many only with Hermes.

6.2. The deliv­ery time for the man­u­fac­tured book is up to 14 days. We indic­ate any pos­sible dif­fer­ing deliv­ery times on the respect­ive product page.

7. Pay­ment

7.1. Pay­ment can only be made in advance or via PayPal.

7.2. If you choose pre­pay­ment, we will provide you with our bank details in the order con­firm­a­tion and deliv­er the book after we receive payment.

8. War­ranty for mater­i­al defects

KrimiKiosk Ver­lag Petra Weber is liable for mater­i­al defects in accord­ance with the applic­able stat­utory pro­vi­sions, in par­tic­u­lar §§ 434 ff of the Ger­man Civil Code.

9. Dis­pute resolution

The EU Com­mis­sion provides an inter­net plat­form for online dis­pute res­ol­u­tion. The plat­form is a con­tact point for the out-of-court set­tle­ment of dis­putes con­cern­ing con­trac­tu­al oblig­a­tions arising from online sales con­tracts. Fur­ther inform­a­tion is avail­able at the fol­low­ing link: We are neither will­ing nor obliged to par­ti­cip­ate in a dis­pute res­ol­u­tion pro­ced­ure at a con­sumer arbit­ra­tion board.