GET EDALJIBOOK by Rose H. Schmollek

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This case ana­lys­is provides a new per­spect­ive on the events, ques­tion­ing the pre­sump­tion of George Edalji’s entire innocence.

Based on the res­ults of a mod­ern forensic lin­guist­ic ana­lys­is, the author has invest­ig­ated many unanswered ques­tions in the case and found unusu­al answers.

If you are seek­ing a book about racism, colo­ni­al­ism, or xeno­pho­bia, this book is not for you. You will also be dis­ap­poin­ted if you are look­ing for a book about police incom­pet­ence or the author Arthur Con­an Doyle.

This ana­lys­is focuses on the Edalji fam­ily, par­tic­u­larly George Ernest Thompson  Edalji, and the events of that time. Rose H. Schmollek’s res­ult of years of research is not an easy or cas­u­al read.

But if you are intrigued by new aspects of an old crim­in­al case and open to fresh approaches and uncon­ven­tion­al per­spect­ives, this book will sur­prise you.

You can buy the case ana­lys­is either as a pass­word-pro­tec­ted PDF or as a (dos-à-dos) hand-bound prin­ted book in an unusu­al book box.  Each prin­ted book is numbered and comes with your per­son­al­ized Ex Lib­ris.  Because of the hand-man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­cess,  each book is slightly dif­fer­ent and unique, and it will grace your bookshelf. 

The design of the book and its box was care­fully chosen. The box opens atyp­ic­ally diag­on­ally. The end­pa­pers are com­bined dif­fer­ently than our read­ing habits are used to, and they force our brains to think dif­fer­ently. The indi­vidu­al parts (book, end­notes and the book­plate) reveal an over­all image, held togeth­er by a bee (for good reas­ons). Red rep­res­ents blood, black print­er­’s ink, and gold rep­res­ents the Doyli­an glam­our of this crime case. The tur­quoise stone on the bee is a remin­is­cence of the bound Sher­lock Holmes first edi­tions of the Strand magazine in the 1890s

Please note:
As the prin­ted book and box are hand-bound, our stock is lim­ited. If you wish to order more books than the avail­able stock, please con­tact

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printed, e-book